Proceedings of the 25th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, 8th - 10th December, Auckland, New Zealand

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"Integral IS: The Embedding of Information Systems in Business, Government and Society"

Information Systems (IS) as an integral part of society. Integral is defined as: “belonging as an apart of the whole; necessary or the completeness of the whole; or as important, vital, central, essential.” Integral IS means information and technology seamlessly integrated into our social and working lives. As IS researchers and practitioners, we create, design, implement and maintain the systems that play an increasingly important, almost inescapable, role in our lives today. The implementation and effects of seamless integration on such a large scale raises a number of very important issues for practice and research: issues that the Information Systems community should be taking the lead to explore and explain to the wider community.

ISBN: 978-1-927184-26-4


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    Chinese Managers, Guanxi, and Using Business Intelligence: A Research Agenda
    (ACIS, 2014) Song, Yutong; Arnott, David; Gao, Shijia
    China is the world's second largest economy by nominal gross domestic product (GDP) and purchasing power parity (PPP). Despite the considerable amount of IS research in China, little work has been reported on the use of decision support systems (DSS), particularly large-scale business intelligence (BI). Because of the significant cultural differences between the West and China it may be that this Western technology is of little use in Chinese management structures and processes. In particular, the Chinese cultural norm of guanxi may affect BI usefulness. This research seeks to contribute to practice by developing a theory that will help Western BI practitioners to understand and better use guanxi in dealing with Chinese organisations. It is also expected to provide an important addition to knowledge, including BI theory and IS research methods.
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    Introducing System Controls for Control Theory
    (ACIS, 2014) Nuwangi, Subasinghage Maduka; Sedera, Darshana; Srivastava, Shirish C
    Control theory focuses exclusively on manual control mechanisms, where the control instructions over the organizational employees are executed by a person (e.g. project manager). With the advancement of computer systems, contemporary organizations have commenced handing over employee control aspects to computer systems. In this research, we introduce “system controls”, where a computer system is executing control instructions over the employees. Moreover, we discuss the characteristics, limitations and issues in system controls when added as a perspective of control theory.
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    A Framework for Analysing Types of User Information on Social Networking Sites
    (ACIS, 2014) Kurian, Jayan; Singh, Mohini
    Social Networking Sites (SNS) are web-based applications used by a very large number of users to share different types of information. Some of the information on SNS is for communication and others for collaboration and networking. To date a uniformly accepted information classification for SNS information is not available. This paper attempts to classify the different types of SNS information by developing a frame for SNS information types. The framework is developed based on an extensive literature review on types of SNS information. It adds to the theory of SNS on types of information shared on SNS with implications for benefits to users and information that can prove to be problematic for users. For practitioners, the framework will provide more insights into the types of information shared on SNS for design and protection of negative ramifications.
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    Integrated Modelling of Business Process Models and Business Rules: A Research Agenda
    (ACIS, 2014) Wang, Wei; Indulska, Marta; Sadiq, Shazia
    Process models are the basis for a wide range of critical activities within an organisation. It is not surprising then that process models, and the act of process modelling, have been the focus of much research over the last two decades. Recent research indicates, however, that common process modelling notations lack sufficient representation for capturing business rules. Although the need for business processes and business rules to be modelled in an integrated manner is well established, the body of knowledge on integrated modelling of the two is limited. In this paper our aim is to review the state of related research and develop a research agenda, based on a systematic review of related literature, to advance research in this field. We present a consolidated view of the benefits of rule and process model integration, together with an overview of current related approaches, and a research agenda going forward.
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    Mind the gaps: increasing the impact of IS research on ISD performance improvement
    (ACIS, 2014) O Riordan, Niamh; Lohan, Garry; Conboy, Kieran
    Poor performance has pervaded the last forty years of software development, evident across industry sectors, project size, budget, geographic location, system quality and functionality, and exacerbated by increased criticality of IT in organisational mission and strategy. A significant body of research has investigated the potential of emerging development methodologies to address these shortcomings but the effectiveness of these methods is largely supported by anecdotal evidence. At the same time, metrics and measurement are known to affect ISD performance but the existing literature on ISD metrics is misaligned with practitioners’ needs, leading to a lack of clarity about ISD metrics in practice. This paper presents an interdisciplinary literature review on ISD metrics to identify the underlying reasons for this misalignment and evaluate the extent to which existing literature can be used to better understand the impact of emerging software development methodologies on ISD performance.
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